NNA Detailed


  • Over 500 unique processes were running daily, weekly, monthly 6 servers in a secured room, end-user desktops
  • Processes ran Monday through Saturday, except during weekday nightly batch
  • Processing usually between 5:00 AM and 11:00 PM


  • Extract reports from mainframe applications
  • Extract jobs created trigger files
  • Job scheduler would launch a process using batch files triggered by extract jobs
  • Macros created by end-users from the business were typically Excel recorded macros
  • Job scheduling typically in series, meaning Job1 launches Job2, which launches Job3, etc
  • Office 97
  • Networked files left open, moved, renamed or deleted
  • End user files modified without prior notification to IS
  • 3rd party files not updated, missing, renamed or modified without prior notification to IS
  • Files open, locked or missing
  • Recorded VBA lacked error handling, comments, written inconsistently
  • Mainframe interface macros recorded by advanced users working in multiple applications simultaneously
  • Troubleshooting process hangs for online mainframe applications took well over a year to gain any competency


Error Handling

  • Incorporated error handling in all routines
  • File exists, file locked, file empty, file date-time unchanged
  • Email alerts to IS and end users on error conditions
  • Jobs would close and create an error condition flag (100_NOT_COMPLETE.txt)
  • Access routines would record processing start and stop times and conditions internally
  • Code was in generic VBA modules that worked in Access, Excel and Word

Job Status Updates

  • Job Status emailed to all end-users indicating completed, on-time and any late jobs
  • Completed jobs would be have a green background, late jobs would have a red background
  • Multi-user Access tools would have specific emails indicating the tool was available for use
  • Messages would have links to open the tool locally and links for new users to install
  • Within the tools themselves, several would only open once updated, or would show that the data within the tool was out of date
  • Used group email addresses managed by each department where possible

Standardized Attachmate Code

  • Implemented logon and logoff functions for all online applications
  • IS automated routines given unique user ID
  • Implemented BusyClock, SceenCheck, CursorCheck and Connection functions
  • BusyClock handled screen update latency issues related to internet and network
  • ScreenCheck used to confirm the unique screen number of each application page
  • CursorCheck used to confirm the x-y screen coordinates
  • CheckConnection used to detect loss of connection to the mainframe
  • Removed shortcut key recorded code
  • All functions start and return to main application screen
  • Single and multi-application screens

Job Scheduling in Parallel

  • Jobs launched 2 hours before business shift start
  • Jobs continue to cycle in a wait state until trigger file detected
  • Jobs with multiple triggers cycle until all triggers detected
  • Non-License Specific applications (WinShuttle) could run on any of 9 desktop computers
  • Scheduling data for each computer backed up routinely
  • Remote management of all machines implemented, including VPN from home

VBA Code Management

  • Standard modules stored in a secured network folder
  • VBA code for common functions
  • File I/O
  • Email (CDO, SMTP)
  • Error Handling
  • Office application specific code
  • Batch commands
  • Wait function for use when controlling other applications

End User Tools